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Multivariate Cointegration and Temporal Aggregation: Some Further Simulation Results
Georgios Papapanagiotou
Jesús Otero
Theodore Panagiotidis
We perform Monte Carlo simulations to study the effect of increasing the frequency of observations and data span on the Johansen (J Econ Dyn Control 12(2–3):231– 254, 1988; Likelihood-based inference […]
Measuring the size and growth of cities using nighttime light
Diego A. Martin
Juan F. Vargas
Rafael Ch
This paper uses nighttime luminosity to estimate a globally comparable measure of the size of metropolitan areas around the world for the years 2000 and 2010. We apply recently-proposed methodologies […]
Local incentives and national tax evasion: The response of illegal mining to a tax reform in Colombia
Mauricio Romero Posada
Santiago Saavedra
Achieving a fair distribution of resources is one of the goals of fiscal policy. To this end, governments often transfer tax resources from richer to more marginalized areas. In the […]
Interest rate convergence across maturities: Evidence from bank data in an emerging market economy
Ana María Iregui
Jesús Otero
Mark Holmes
Against a background of financial liberalisation reforms, we assess the extent of market integration and competition in Colombian retail deposits and loans markets. We employ a dataset comprising bank-level interest […]
Credit and saving constraints in general equilibrium: A quantitative exploration
Catalina Granda
Cesar E. Tamayo
Franz Hamann
Credit constraints
Financial inclusion
Formal and informal financial markets
Saving constraints
In this paper we build an incomplete-markets model with heterogeneous households and firms to study the aggregate effects of saving constraints and credit constraints in general equilibrium. We calibrate the […]
The effects of FX-interventions on forecasters disagreement: A mixed data sampling view
Ana Iregui
Jesus Otero
Mark Holmes
We analyse the heterogeneity of exchange rate forecasts by a panel of professional forecasters. Adopting the view that forecasters’ economic behaviour is such that they constantly collect, process and analyse […]
Tobacco taxes and illicit cigarette trade in Colombia
Blanca Llorente
Juan Gallego
Norman Maldonado
Paul Rodríguez
Susana Otálvaro
This paper estimates the short-term impact of a twofold increase of the tobacco excise tax on consumption of illicit cigarette trade in Colombia. Using data collected before and after the […]
Price smoking participation elasticity in Colombia: estimates by age and socioeconomic level
Juan Gallego
Paul Rodríguez
Susana Otálvaro
Background Tobacco prevalence in Colombia is small compared with other Latin America despite the nation’s tobacco taxes being among the lowest in the region. However, tobacco taxes have increased several times […]