Convergence in retail gasolina: Insights from Canadian cities
This paper investigates the extent of convergence club formation in retail gasoline prices. Our study provides new insights through the use of a large disaggregated panel database for Canada that comprises three types of gasoline grades, namely regular, medium and premium, for a sample of 44 cities over a period of almost two decades. The […]
Segregación residencial en el oriente de Cali y comuna 18
A partir de cálculos de los índices de Duncan y Duncan se muestran los niveles de segregación socioespacial para la zona oriente y ladera (comuna 18), lo que coincide con la localización de grupos étnicos, su condición de pobreza y bajo nivel educativo.
Market access and agricultural land use: Does distance matter? Insights from Colombia
A rich dataset, based on the agricultural census, characterizing Colombian agricultural units is usedto examine the relationship between market access and market influence, on one hand, and theintensity of land use for productive purposes as instrumented as the share of usable land withrespect to the total area of the production unit, on the other. We […]
Terreno para la vida VS vivir del terreno: Cambios en las dinámicas de formación de la ciudad

“La institucionalidad, el Estado, debe entender las lógicas por las cuáles la gente apropia un terreno. Desde allí es desde dónde se puede empezar a mitigar el asentamiento informal” – María Elena Botero, Investigadora de Alianza EFI en la Universidad del Rosario. Por Juan David Cuesta Velásquez Abrimos este artículo citando a la Dra. María […]
Transit infrastructure and informal housing: Assessing an expansion of Medellín’s Metrocable system
Transportation policies have a valuable influence on the allocation of resources within cities. Therefore, investigating the impacts of transit interventions is relevant, especially in developing countries where informal housing is highly prevalent and spatial disparities are noteworthy. We study the impact of a transit expansion of the Metrocable system in Medellín, Colombia, as a natural […]
Search intensity, search time and prices: evidence from retail diesel markets in France
We study the effect of price variations over time and across space on search intensity and search time by consumers in retail markets for diesel in France. The main contribution of the paper is that existing work in industrial organisation in this area has already studied the effect of such variability on the first measure […]
Brothers or invaders? How crisis-driven migrants shape voting behavior
We study the electoral effects of the arrival of 1.3 million Venezuelan refugees in Colombia as a consequence of the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis. We exploit the fact that forced migrants disproportionately locate in places with earlier settlements of Venezuelans after the intensification of the crisis. We find that larger migration shocks increase voter’s turnout and […]
Announcement of the first metro line and its impact on housing prices in Bogotá
Transport infrastructure investment impacts mobility and may significantly affect the capitalisation of the areas surrounding these infrastructure projects, even before the projects are completed. This paper analyses the impact that the announcement of the First Metro Line has on housing prices in the city of Bogotá. It combines innovative databases, web scraping and Google Maps […]
Sanitation dynamics: toilet acquisition and its economic and social implications in rural and urban contexts
This paper uses primary micro-data from Indian households residing in rural villages and poor urban neighbourhoods to shed light on household sanitation decision-making. We use a theoretical economic model to reduce the dimensionality and complexity of this process. Beyond the most commonly analysed motivator, health, we consider economic and non-pecuniary benefits. We provide empirical evidence […]
The Effects of Formal Financial Inclusion on Informal Credit Use: Evidence from Colombia.
It is well known that formal credit can improve household’s wellbeing in developing countries, however, its relationship to informal credit as a substitute or complement is uncertain. This study aims to estimate the causal effect of formal credit on the use of informal credit sources using a Regression Discontinuity Designs which exploits credit allocation rules […]