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Bounded learning by doing,inequality, and multi-sectorgrowth: A middle-class perspective.

Alain Desdoigts
Fernando Jaramillo
This paper develops a multi-sector model of middle-class-led economic growth, whereby (i) learning by doing interacts with scale economies and nonhomothetic preferences giving rise to endogenous growth, and (ii) the […]

Wealth and inequality gradientsfor the detection and control ofhypertension in older individualsin middle-income economiesaround 2007-2015

María F. García
Paul Rodríguez
Philipp Hessel
Socioeconomic inequalities in the detection and treatment of non-communicable diseases represent a challenge for healthcare systems in middle-income countries (MICs) in the context of population ageing. This challenge is particularly […]

Productivity gaps atformal and informalmicrofirms

Luis H. Gutierrez
Paul Rodríguez
Although evidence of a productivity gap between formal and informal firms has been observed, this ‘‘formality premium” has been less explored for microfirms. The informality of microfirms is a central […]

Income inequality andself-rated health statusin Colombia

María Casabianca
Pamela Góngora
Paul Rodríguez
Background: The negative association between income inequality and health has been known in the literature as the Income Inequality Hypothesis (IIH). Despite the multiple studies examining the validity of this […]

Financial inclusion and business practices of microbusiness in Colombia

Juan Carlos Urueña Mejía
Luis H. Gutierrez
Paul Rodríguez
Financial inclusion is known to be relevant for improving the growth perspectives of microbusinesses. This research has three aims. First, to explore how adopting business practices can impact the usage […]

Corruption and Firms

Emanuele Colonnelli
Mounu Prem
We estimate the causal real economic effects of a randomized anti-corruption crackdown on local governments in Brazil using rich micro-data on corruption and firms. After anti-corruption audits,municipalities experience an increase […]

Economía informal y tributación: estado actual del conocimiento y agenda para futuras investigaciones y políticas

Cristian Camilo Castrillón Gaviria
Eduardo Bustamante
Wilman Arturo Gómez Muñoz
Este capítulo presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre la relación entre la tributación y la economía informal. Primero, se esboza un enfoque integral que explica un posible orígen de […]

Gasto catastrófico en salud y pobrezamultidimensional: un análisis longitudinal

Carlos Sepúlveda
Gustavo Cedeño-Ocampo
Jeannette Liliana Amaya-Lara
Mónica Pinilla-Roncancio
Paul Rodriguez-Lesmes