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Provision of noxious facilities using a market-like mechanism:a simple implementation in the lab
César Mantilla
Federica Alberti
We study the provision of a public project that globally behaves as a public good but locally behaves as a private bad. This scenario imposes two problems: (i) finding a […]
Regulation and informality: effects of land plan regulations on the proliferation of informal settlements
Héctor M. Posada
Lina Marcela García Tavera
The effect of regulation on the proliferation of informal settlements is unclear. While stricter regulations can provide policy makers with tools for control them (welfare economic approach), they can also […]
Relaciones de barrio, El Minuto de Dios
Ivan Dario Medina Rojas
Juan Carlos Urueña Mejía
Valentina Muñoz Delgado
Barrio Minuto de Dios
Inclusión productiva
Inclusión social
Tienda de barrio
El presente capítulo se centra en un espacio geográfico específico, el Barrio Minuto de Dios. Desde una perspectiva histórica se puede observar su construcción paulatina gracias a la visión del […]
Revisión de la modelación macroeconómica de la informalidad
Cristian Camilo Castrillón Gaviria
Jaime Alberto Montoya Arbelaez
Wilman Arturo Gómez Muñoz
Arreglos institucionales
Economía informal
Economía subterránea
Economía sumergida
Mercados laborales informales
Sectores formales e informales
En este artículo se presenta una revisíon en la que se identifican cuatro ramas distintas de la modelación de la economía informal en la literatura, a saber: modelos duales, modelos […]
Spatial heterogeneity of housing prices in formal and informal settlements: a GWR hedonic model for segmented markets in cali
Angela María Franco Calderón
Harvy Vivas Pacheco
Geographically Weighted Regressions (GWR)
Hedonic prices
Housing prices
Informal settlements
Spatial heterogeneity
This paper studies the factors associated with differential prices in segmented housing markets. Despite the breadth of the literature addressing this issue, a gap remains in the investigation of differential […]
Tax policies, informality, and real wage rigidities
Marlon Salazar
Efficiency wage
Enforcement expenditure
Fiscal policies
Search and matching
Shirking mechanism
Tax policies
Developing countries have a vast informal sector generally associated with low levels of productivity. The persistence of informality could be a response to rigidities in the labor market, associated with […]
Temporary employment, informality, poverty and inequality
José Manuel Tapias
An essential tool in the fight against poverty is the generation of decent jobs through an equitable and inclusive labor market. To achieve this, two fronts of struggle must be […]
The external effects of public housing developments on informal housing: the case of Medellín, Colombia
Andres García Suaza
David Londoño Arenas
Héctor M. Posada
Provision of new subsidized housing projects has proven to be an effective alternative to reduce the high level of quantitative housing deficit in developing countries. However less is known about […]