Informe Estudio Nacional de Emprendimiento a Tenderos, segunda ronda
La Alianza EFI en el marco del proyecto “Emprendimiento, desarrollo de capacidades empresariales e inclusión productiva” tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto de la formación en capital gerencial e inclusión financiera a través de medios digitales, analizar los factores que determinan la informalidad empresarial y el papel de la acumulación de capital social, gerencial y generacional […]
Tobacco taxes and illicit cigarette trade in Colombia
This paper estimates the short-term impact of a twofold increase of the tobacco excise tax on consumption of illicit cigarette trade in Colombia. Using data collected before and after the tax increase from a novel smoker survey (DEICS-Col), the impact is estimated as the change in the probability that a smoker has illicit cigarettes. The […]
Price smoking participation elasticity in Colombia: estimates by age and socioeconomic level
Background Tobacco prevalence in Colombia is small compared with other Latin America despite the nation’s tobacco taxes being among the lowest in the region. However, tobacco taxes have increased several times during the last decade, and large increases in 2010 and 2016 impacted consumer prices.Objective This paper aims to estimate the price smoking participation elasticity (PPE) in […]
Sanitation dynamics: toilet acquisition and its economic and social implications in rural and urban contexts
This paper uses primary micro-data from Indian households residing in rural villages and poor urban neighbourhoods to shed light on household sanitation decision-making. We use a theoretical economic model to reduce the dimensionality and complexity of this process. Beyond the most commonly analysed motivator, health, we consider economic and non-pecuniary benefits. We provide empirical evidence […]
De-normalizing smoking in urban areas: Public smoking bans and smoking prevalence
The effectiveness of command-and-control policies related to tobacco use has been studied in high-income countries. Still, there is limited evidence of their effects in low and middle-income countries. We explore the case of Colombia, a country that introduced a business-supported smoking ban in bars and restaurants and all public indoor spaces in 2010. This paper […]