ECONOMÍA FORMAL E INCLUSIVA: Lecciones, impacto y legado de la Alianza EFI

Esta publicación busca resaltar los aprendizajes, el impacto, y lo que queda como legado de la Alianza EFI para la sociedad y para la comunidad académica. La brevedad con que está escrito no le hace justicia al esfuerzo y horas de dedicación de más de ciento cincuenta investigadores, consolidados y en formación, y de un […]

Extracting Low-Cost Signals of Perceived Quality Control in Community Pharmacies: A Simulated Client Study of Contraceptive Dispensing in Bogotá

We determine whether community pharmacies in Bogotá produce differential quality signals, and if they are related to an objective quality measure: the compliance with prescription rules. In this quantitative descriptive study, we use the simulated client methodology (N=298) to assess whether Bogota’s community pharmacies comply with prescription rules related to contraceptive medications. We find that […]

Price elasticity of demandfor voluntary health insurance plans in Colombia

Background: Since 1993, Colombia has had a mandatory social health insurance scheme that aims to provide universal health coverage to all citizens. However, some contributory regime participants purchase voluntary private health insurance (VPHI) to access better quality health services (i. e., physicians and hospitals), shorter waiting times, and a more extensive providers’ network. This article […]

Wealth and inequality gradientsfor the detection and control ofhypertension in older individualsin middle-income economiesaround 2007-2015

Socioeconomic inequalities in the detection and treatment of non-communicable diseases represent a challenge for healthcare systems in middle-income countries (MICs) in the context of population ageing. This challenge is particularly pressing regarding hypertension due to its increasing prevalence among older individuals in MICs, especially among those with lower socioeconomic status (SES). Using comparative data for […]

Productivity gaps atformal and informalmicrofirms

Although evidence of a productivity gap between formal and informal firms has been observed, this ‘‘formality premium” has been less explored for microfirms. The informality of microfirms is a central concern in low- and middle-income countries, leading to a crucial demand for designing economic policies addressing this issue. We fill this void by estimating a […]

Income inequality andself-rated health statusin Colombia

Background: The negative association between income inequality and health has been known in the literature as the Income Inequality Hypothesis (IIH). Despite the multiple studies examining the validity of this hypothesis, evidence is still inconclusive, and the debate remains unsolved. In addition, relatively few studies have focused their attention on developing or emerging economies, where […]

Financial inclusion and business practices of microbusiness in Colombia

Financial inclusion is known to be relevant for improving the growth perspectives of microbusinesses. This research has three aims. First, to explore how adopting business practices can impact the usage of financial products and services of these firms. Second, to determine if higher levels of microbusinesses’ formalization mediate the impact. Third, to establish if there […]