A Peace Baby Boom? Evidence from Colombia’s Peace Agreement

Violent environments affect household fertility choices, demand for health services and health outcomes of newborns. Using administrative data from Colombia and a difference-in-differences strategy, we study how the end of the 5-decade long conflict with the FARC insurgency affected fertility outcomes in areas traditionally affected by FARC’s violence relative to the rest of the country. […]

The internal labor marketsof business groups

This paper provides micro evidence of labor mobility inside business groups. We show that worker flows between firms in the same group are stronger than with unaffiliated firms. More over, the reallocation of top workers between group firms is more sensitive to international shocks. Top workers that move within the group in response to shocks […]

Corruption and Firms

We estimate the causal real economic effects of a randomized anti-corruption crackdown on local governments in Brazil using rich micro-data on corruption and firms. After anti-corruption audits,municipalities experience an increase in the number of firms concentrated in sectors most dependent ongovernment relationships and public procurement. Through the estimation of geographic spillovers andadditional tests, we show […]