Announcement of the first metro line and its impact on housing prices in Bogotá
Transport infrastructure investment impacts mobility and may significantly affect the capitalisation of the areas surrounding these infrastructure projects, even before the projects are completed. This paper analyses the impact that the announcement of the First Metro Line has on housing prices in the city of Bogotá. It combines innovative databases, web scraping and Google Maps […]
Price elasticity of demandfor voluntary health insurance plans in Colombia
Background: Since 1993, Colombia has had a mandatory social health insurance scheme that aims to provide universal health coverage to all citizens. However, some contributory regime participants purchase voluntary private health insurance (VPHI) to access better quality health services (i. e., physicians and hospitals), shorter waiting times, and a more extensive providers’ network. This article […]
Tobacco taxes and illicit cigarette trade in Colombia
This paper estimates the short-term impact of a twofold increase of the tobacco excise tax on consumption of illicit cigarette trade in Colombia. Using data collected before and after the tax increase from a novel smoker survey (DEICS-Col), the impact is estimated as the change in the probability that a smoker has illicit cigarettes. The […]
Price smoking participation elasticity in Colombia: estimates by age and socioeconomic level
Background Tobacco prevalence in Colombia is small compared with other Latin America despite the nation’s tobacco taxes being among the lowest in the region. However, tobacco taxes have increased several times during the last decade, and large increases in 2010 and 2016 impacted consumer prices.Objective This paper aims to estimate the price smoking participation elasticity (PPE) in […]