Preferences, uncertainty, and biases in land division: A bargaining experiment in the field
Divisions of rural land in developing countries reduce the possibilities of farmers to profit from agricultural returns to scale. We design and conduct a framed bargaining experiment to study whether land overvaluation (due to affective reasons) and uncertainty in land values are drivers for land division. In our bargaining game, two players with different agricultural […]
Costly norm enforcement through sanctions and rewards: An experiment with colombian future police officers
The increasing lack of trust in the police around the globe reduces their indirect benefits, related to citizens’ feelings of safety and beliefs that the police are “doing something” to fight crime. We explore whether this generalized lack of trust among citizens correlates with their beliefs’ accuracy regarding fairness norm enforcement in a lab-in-the-field experiment […]
Environmental valuation using bargaining games: an application to water
We characterize a general bargaining game useful for environmental valuation purposes. In this game, a jointly endowed asset is divisible into smaller units of two types:those with and without an associated costly attribute. Bargaining parties can use monetary transfers to their counterpart in exchange for accruing more units of the jointlyendowed asset. We show that […]
Price discrimination in informal labor markets in bogotá: an audit experiment during the 2018 fifa world cup
We conducted an audit experiment to examine whether street vendors in Bogot´a (Colombia) exert price discrimination based on buyers’ attributes, such as gender and nationality; and based on product characteristics, such as the increasing marginal valuation of items needed to complete a collection. We exploited the seasonal demand for album stickers related to the FIFA […]
Provision of noxious facilities using a market-like mechanism:a simple implementation in the lab
We study the provision of a public project that globally behaves as a public good but locally behaves as a private bad. This scenario imposes two problems: (i) finding a compensation that makes the project acceptable for the pre-determined host, and (ii) securing the budget to pay for the project and the required compensation. We […]
The trade-off between liquidity and insurance: voucher payments in a lab- in-the-field experiment with colombian rural workers
We conduct a lab-in-the-field experiment in which 214 rural workers must choose between a cash or a voucher payment for completing a real-effort task. Participants face a twenty-percent chance of suffering a negative shock that will reduce their cash payment by roughly two-thirds. Opting for the voucher reduces the likelihood of the shock by one-half. […]