Los Derechos Constitucionales de la Mujer: Una lucha que aún no termina

Los derechos que han venido obteniendo las mujeres obedecen más a luchas individuales, con reconocimientos legales, mediante el ejercicio de la acción de tutela1 y la expedición de las correspondientes sentencias que las resuelven. La mujer históricamente discriminada se convierte entonces en sujeto de protección especial constitucional, de hecho, lo que ha llamado la Jurisprudencia2 […]

Possible effects of coronavirus in the colombian labour market

The COVID-19 pandemic and its social distancing measures have brought unprecedentedsocio-economic challenges worldwide. One of the most urgent questions is howthe labour force will be affected by the pandemic. The answer to this question will haveconsiderable impact on the countries’ productivity, poverty and unemployment rates,etc. Consequently, the measurement of jobs which can be performed without […]

Possible uses of labour demand and supply information to reduce skill mismatches

Unemployment and informality are widespread phenomena in the Colombian economy that affect people with different profiles. This working paper discusses how the vacancy database can be used to build a detection system of skill shortages. Also, it elaborates on, for the first time in Colombia, a set of macro indicators within the vacancy database’s labour […]