Quality certification and firm performance. The mediation of human capital

This paper investigates the impact of adopting quality management standards like ISO9001 on a firm’s performance and the mediator role of human capabilities within firms in this relationship. The article analyses this mediator effect in the context of an emerging economy that set a policy reform aimed at increase ISO adoption and with a large […]

The minimum wage in formal and informal sectors: Evidence from an inflation shock

I estimate the effect of the minimum wage on formal wages, informal wages, and employment in Colombia. I exploit an unexpected increase in the real minimum wage during 1999. My analysis combines unconditional quantile regressions with a differences-in-differences design. I find evidence of wage responses for wages close to the minimum wage. The increases are […]

The Contribution of Workers, Workplaces, and Sorting to Wage Inequality in Mexico

We use a matched worker-workplace dataset comprising the near universe of formal private-sector workers in Mexico to estimate the contribution of average workplace-specific wagepremia, worker-level characteristics, and assortative matching on Mexico’s wage inequalitybetween 2004 and 2018. To this end, we regress log earnings on sets of worker and work-place fixed effects and perform a decomposition […]

The Fiscal Impact of Immigration: Labor Displacement, Wages, and the Allocation of Public Spending

We reexamine the effect of immigration on public finances by accounting for second-order effects. We exploit exogenous variation in immigration across Colombian metropolitan areas between 2013 and 2018,resulting from the large increase in Venezuelan immigrants,and instrument immigrants’ residential location using pre-existing settlement patterns and the distance between origin-destination flows. We find that immigration did not […]

The occupational structure of Latin American Countries and worker exposure to COVID

The COVID has spread in Latin America at a later stage of industrialized countries. Even if such states had a better understanding and more available information on how to face the virus, the sanitary infrastructure was less prepared in comparison to the industrialized countries. Latin American Countries (LAC) have a health system with inadequate coverage […]

Efecto del COVID-19 sobre las ocupaciones de trabajadores en Colombia

Adaptar la fuerza laboral a las nuevas medidas de distanciamiento social es uno de los mayores retos que diferentes países han enfrentado en las últimas décadas, para para evitar pérdidas masivas de empleo. Por tanto, es fundamental conocer cuál es la proporción de trabajadores que están en mayor riesgo de contagio de COVID-19 dado el […]

Measuring the share of workers in work-from-home and those in close personal proximity occupations in a developing country

The COVID-19 pandemic and its social distancing measures have brought unprecedented socio-economic challenges worldwide. One of the most urgent questions is how the labour force will be affected by the pandemic. The answer to this question will have considerable impact on the countries’ productivity, poverty and unemployment rates, etc. Consequently, the measurement of jobs which […]

A propósito del debate conceptual sobre el desarrollo y el enfoque territorial

En Colombia el ordenamiento territorial ha tenido serias dificultades para lograr garantizar el uso, aprovechamiento y ocupación del suelo sobre todo al hablar de tierras fértiles, representando una de las principales banderas de lucha y movilización lideradas por comunidades campesinas e indígenas; que desde tiempos inmemorables “la conquista”, han sufrido el despojó de tierras, riquezas […]

Alternativas de protección social y formalización laboral a las trabajadoras cualificadas del área del cuidado de la salud ante los impactos de la pandemia por Covid-19 en perspectiva de trabajo decente

La pandemia por COVID-19 tuvo un efecto adverso en la gran mayoría de sectores y para la gran mayoría de trabajadores, con la generalidad de haber causado una afectación desproporcionada sobre ciertos sectores y ciertas poblaciones específicas. Las fuertes restricciones a la movilidad al comienzo de la crisis sanitaria impusieron una carga especialmente para quienes […]