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Infografía: El método madre canguro y su influencia en el desarrollo congnitivo de nacidos prematuros
Juan David Cuesta Velásquez
Maria Jose Mancera Rey
Infografía relacionada con el artículo ‘Kangaroo mother care had a protective effect on the volume of brain structures in young adults born preterm’, escrito por Nathalie Charpak, Rejean Tessier, Juan […]
De-normalizing smoking in urban areas: Public smoking bans and smoking prevalence
Juan Miguel Gallego
Paul Rodríguez
Susana Otálvaro
The effectiveness of command-and-control policies related to tobacco use has been studied in high-income countries. Still, there is limited evidence of their effects in low and middle-income countries. We explore […]
Motivating bureaucrats with behavioral insights when state capacity is weak: Evidence from large-scale field experiments in Peru
Andrew Dustan
Juan Hernández
Stanislao Maldonado
We study how text messages incorporating behavioral insights can be used as a tool to affect civil servant performance when state capacity is weak. By experimentally varying the content of […]
Infografía «Estado de la investigación sobre el reciclaje doméstico»
Juan David Cuesta Velásquez
Maria Jose Mancera Rey
Infografía relacionada con el artículo «Review on techniques of automatic solid waste separation in domestic applications» de los investigadores Lina María Alcaraz-Londoño, Luis Felipe Ortiz-Clavijo, Carlos Julián Gallego Duque y […]
Comparing long-term educational effects of two early childhoodhealth interventions
Darío Maldonado
Darwin Cortés
Felipe Uriza
José Tiberio Hernández
Juan Gabriel Ruiz
Juan Miguel Gallego
Julieth Pico
Nathalie Charpak
Rejean Tessier
We compare the educational effects of two medical protocols that mitigate long-term conse-quences of prematurity or low birth weight. The two protocols are Traditional Care (TC), whichuses incubators, and Kangaroo […]
Asymmetric behaviour and the 9-ending pricing of retail gasoline
Jesus Otero
Mark Holmes
Using daily unleaded gasoline data for almost the totality of Western Australian retail outlets over twentyyears, we find that retail prices are most rigid when they are 9-ending as opposed […]
Desigualdad en las oportunidades del mercado laboral para las personas con discapacidad: Evidencia para seis países latinoamericanos
Mauricio Gallardo
Mónica Pinilla-Roncancio
Nicolás Rodríguez Caicedo
En América Latina, aproximadamente 70 millones de personas viven con una discapacidad. Aunque la evidencia global sugiere que las personas con discapacidades son uno de los grupos más pobres y […]
Oligopoly and collusion in the Colombian electricity market
Héctor Gómez
Jorge Barrientos
The Wholesale Electricity Market –WEM– in Colombia was created with Laws 142 and 143 of 1994 with the aim of promoting and preserving competition among agents and guaranteeing an efficient […]