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One step ahead of the law:The net effect of anticipation and implementation of Colombia’s illegal crops substitution program
Daniel Wiesner
Juan F. Ladino
Santiago Saavedra
Pre-announced policies often generate unintended consequences due to individuals’ acting to take advantage of the policy conditions. Little is known about the extent to which unintended consequences from the early […]
Dynamic resource management under weak property rights: A tale of thieves and trespassers
Mauricio Rodríguez
Sjak Smulders
We study non-renewable resource extraction when institutions weakly protect the resource owner’s property rights. First, weak wealth protection exposes the stock in the ground to trespassing. Second, weak income protection […]
The internal labor marketsof business groups
Borja Larraín
Federico Huneeus
Mauricio Larraín
Mounu Prem
This paper provides micro evidence of labor mobility inside business groups. We show that worker flows between firms in the same group are stronger than with unaffiliated firms. More over, […]
The fertility-inhibiting effect of mosquitoes: Socio-economic differences in response to the Zika crisis in Colombia
Luis F. Gamboa
Paul Rodríguez
We estimated the impact of the Zika virus outbreak on birth rates and demand for health care services in Colombia. Our analysis exploits the variation in the level of natural […]
Price elasticity of demandfor voluntary health insurance plans in Colombia
Juan Gallego
María Casabianca
Pamela Góngora
Paul Rodríguez
Demand for health insurance
Price elasticity
Private health insurance
Voluntary private health insurance
Background: Since 1993, Colombia has had a mandatory social health insurance scheme that aims to provide universal health coverage to all citizens. However, some contributory regime participants purchase voluntary private […]
Human capital, innovationand productivity in Colombian enterprises: astructural approach usinginstrumental variables
Juan Miguel Gallego
Mery Tamayo
Simón Ramírez
In this paper we explore the R&D–innovation–productivity linkage for the Colombian manufacturing industry, paying special attention to the role of human capital. Using data from two firm-level surveys, the Survey […]
Conexiones y capital socialo por qué la información devacantes no llega a quienesla necesitan
Boris Salazar
Diana M. Jiménez
Resumen Entre un 50% y un 60% de los trabajadores encuentran empleo con información que proporcionan amigos, familiares o conocidos. En una simulación en red, estudiamos cómo evoluciona el número […]
Bounded learning by doing,inequality, and multi-sectorgrowth: A middle-class perspective.
Alain Desdoigts
Fernando Jaramillo
This paper develops a multi-sector model of middle-class-led economic growth, whereby (i) learning by doing interacts with scale economies and nonhomothetic preferences giving rise to endogenous growth, and (ii) the […]