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Asymmetric behaviour and the 9-ending pricing of retail gasoline
Jesus Otero
Mark Holmes
Using daily unleaded gasoline data for almost the totality of Western Australian retail outlets over twentyyears, we find that retail prices are most rigid when they are 9-ending as opposed […]
The dynamics of U.S. industrial production: A time-varying Granger causality perspective
Christopher Baum
Jesus Otero
Stan Hurn
The concept of Granger causality is an important tool in applied macroeconomics. Recursive econometric methods to analyze the temporal stability of Granger-causal relationships have recently been developed. These recursive procedures are used to re-evaluate […]
On the Aggregate Implications of Removing Barriers to Formality
Catalina Granda
Franz Hamann
This article examines the aggregate implications of several policies aimed at removing barriers to formality. To this end, we build a dynamic equilibrium model in which heterogeneous agents choose to […]