ECONOMÍA FORMAL E INCLUSIVA: Lecciones, impacto y legado de la Alianza EFI

Esta publicación busca resaltar los aprendizajes, el impacto, y lo que queda como legado de la Alianza EFI para la sociedad y para la comunidad académica. La brevedad con que está escrito no le hace justicia al esfuerzo y horas de dedicación de más de ciento cincuenta investigadores, consolidados y en formación, y de un […]

The response of illegal mining to revealing its existence

New monitoring technologies can help curb illegal activities by reducing information asymmetries between enforcing and monitoring government agents. I created a novel dataset using machine learning predictions on satellite imagery that detects illegal mining. Then I disclosed the predictions to government agents to study the response of illegal activity. I randomly assigned municipalities to one […]

Communal Property Rights and Deforestation

Almost a third of the world’s forest area is communally managed. In principle, this arrangement could lead to a ‘tragedy of the commons’ and therefore more deforestation. But it may be easier to monitor outsiders’ deforestation of land owned by a community rather than an individual. We present a theoretical framework to examine these trade-offs […]

The daily grind: Cash needs and labor supply

The majority of people in developing countries are self-employed and can therefore set their own work hours. How do self-employed individuals motivate themselves to work hard day after day? We document four facts about the labor supply of Kenyan bicycle-taxi drivers: (1) drivers work more on days with higher cash needs; and (2) the quitting […]

Caracterización de minas formales e informales en Colombia

Mas del 60 % de los trabajadores en el mundo se encuentra en el sector informal. En el  caso de la minería, la informalidad no solo representa ausencia de prestaciones sociales y pago de impuestos. También existen externalidades ambientales, conflictos sociales y riesgos laborales. En este documento presentamos estadísticas descriptivas de una encuesta realizada a […]