ECONOMÍA FORMAL E INCLUSIVA: Lecciones, impacto y legado de la Alianza EFI
Esta publicación busca resaltar los aprendizajes, el impacto, y lo que queda como legado de la Alianza EFI para la sociedad y para la comunidad académica. La brevedad con que está escrito no le hace justicia al esfuerzo y horas de dedicación de más de ciento cincuenta investigadores, consolidados y en formación, y de un […]
Empleabilidad e informalidad:un análisis del mercado laboral juvenilpara cinco países latinoamericanos
La existencia de una brecha entre las habilidades demandadas por los empleadores y las habilidades ofrecidas por la fuerza de trabajo es una de las posibles causas por la que existe desempleo e informalidad alrededor del mundo. El análisis y la comprensión de este rezago de habilidades es importante, ya que investigaciones previas sugieren que […]
Human capital, innovationand productivity in Colombian enterprises: astructural approach usinginstrumental variables
In this paper we explore the R&D–innovation–productivity linkage for the Colombian manufacturing industry, paying special attention to the role of human capital. Using data from two firm-level surveys, the Survey of Development and Technological Innovation (EDIT) and the Annual Manufacturing Survey (EAM), we extend the model of Crépon, Duguet, and Mairesse [1998. ‘Research, Innovation and […]
De-normalizing smoking in urban areas: Public smoking bans and smoking prevalence
The effectiveness of command-and-control policies related to tobacco use has been studied in high-income countries. Still, there is limited evidence of their effects in low and middle-income countries. We explore the case of Colombia, a country that introduced a business-supported smoking ban in bars and restaurants and all public indoor spaces in 2010. This paper […]
Comparing long-term educational effects of two early childhoodhealth interventions
We compare the educational effects of two medical protocols that mitigate long-term conse-quences of prematurity or low birth weight. The two protocols are Traditional Care (TC), whichuses incubators, and Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) which replaces incubators for 24-hour skin-to-skin contact between newborns and caregivers. We concentrate on educational outcomesaddressing contradictory results in previous contributions. We […]
Dinámica del bienestar social en Bogotá y su región 2011-2017
Este libro abre la discusión sobre temas como la pobreza, la desigualdady la aglomeración urbana, y considera de manera detallada la forma como lapolítica fiscal, entendida como la conjunción de impuestos y subsidios, impactala distribución del ingreso. Esta publicación continúa con la metodología deAnálisis de Incidencia utilizada en estudios anteriores para Bogotá, conlo cual se […]
Human Capital, Innovation and Productivity in Colombian Enterprises: A Structural Approach using Instrumental Variables
In this paper we explore the R&D-innovation-productivity linkage for the Colombian manufacturing industry, paying special attention to the role of human capital. Using data from two firm-level surveys such as the Survey of Development and Technological Innovation (EDIT) and the Annual Manufacturing Survey, we extended the model of Crepon, Duget and Mairesse (hereafter CDM) due […]
Quality certification and firm performance. The mediation of human capital
This paper investigates the impact of adopting quality management standards like ISO9001 on a firm’s performance and the mediator role of human capabilities within firms in this relationship. The article analyses this mediator effect in the context of an emerging economy that set a policy reform aimed at increase ISO adoption and with a large […]
Ante la incertidumbre, la prudencia y la flexibilidad como estrategia dominante frente al COVID-19
En torno al manejo de la pandemia del Covid-19, las medidas necesarias para evitar la muerte de un gran número de colombianos tienen cierta similitud con un choque temporal en la oferta agregada, tal como sucede cuando se presenta un desastre natural. Sin embargo, la actual situación tiene componentes particulares. Por un lado, se presenta […]
Human capital, innovation and productivity in colombian enterprises: a structural approach using instrumental variables
In this paper we explore the R&D-innovation-productivity linkage for the Colombian manufacturing industry, paying special attention to the role of human capital. Using data from two firm-level surveys such as the Survey of Development and Technological Innovation (EDIT) and the Annual Manufacturing Survey, we extended the model of Crepon, Duget and Mairesse (hereafter CDM) due […]