The effects of FX-interventions on forecasters disagreement: A mixed data sampling view

We analyse the heterogeneity of exchange rate forecasts by a panel of professional forecasters. Adopting the view that forecasters’ economic behaviour is such that they constantly collect, process and analyse relevant information when producing forecasts, we apply a Mixed-Data Sampling (MIDAS) regression approach. This enables us to explore the roles played by key drivers for […]

Asymmetric behaviour and the 9-ending pricing of retail gasoline

Using daily unleaded gasoline data for almost the totality of Western Australian retail outlets over twentyyears, we find that retail prices are most rigid when they are 9-ending as opposed to other price endings.Upward rigidity from a 9-ending retail price is found to be greater than downward rigidity in terms of a lowernumber of price […]

The dynamics of U.S. industrial production: A time-varying Granger causality perspective

The concept of Granger causality is an important tool in applied macroeconomics. Recursive econometric methods to analyze the temporal stability of Granger-causal relationships have recently been developed. These recursive procedures are used to re-evaluate the temporal stability of Granger causality between US industrial production and three macroeconomic variables. There appears to be significant evidence of temporal variation in the causal relationships. […]

Convergence in retail gasoline prices: insights from Canadian cities

This paper investigates the extent of convergence club formation in retail gasoline prices. Our study provides new insights through the use of a large disaggregated panel database for Canada that comprises three types of gasoline grades, namely regular, medium and premium, for a sample of 44 cities over a period of almost two decades. The […]