Los efectos externos del desarrollo devivienda pública sobre la informalidad enla vivienda: el caso de Medellín, Colombia
Según investigaciones previas, en Latinoamérica uno de cada tres hogares habita en viviendas bajo condiciones precaria, ya sea por la seguridad de tenencia, la durabilidad de los materiales de construcción, los accesos a servicios públicos o la disponibilidad del espacio al interior de la vivienda. En consecuencia, los gobiernos han establecido programas de vivienda públicas […]
The Effects of Formal Financial Inclusion on Informal Credit Use: Evidence from Colombia.
It is well known that formal credit can improve household’s wellbeing in developing countries, however, its relationship to informal credit as a substitute or complement is uncertain. This study aims to estimate the causal effect of formal credit on the use of informal credit sources using a Regression Discontinuity Designs which exploits credit allocation rules […]
Cars accidents and academic test results. The case of Medellín, Colombia
Medellin offers an interest case to study the effects of air pollution on academic performance at local scale. With 2.4 million people and an area of 382 km2, Medellin is the second largest city in Colombia2 and one of the most densely populated cities in Latin America. In the last 10 years, the city has […]
Consolidación de barrios informales y estructura urbana de Medellín: Un modelo de panel espacial
The rapid urbanization of developing countries in the 20th century resulted in the formation of informal settlements that persist despite government efforts. The idea of self-help proposes the incremental improvement of housing – made by families and communities – as the solution to the low quality of housing in informal settlements. This paper examines the […]
The external effects of public housing developments on informal housing: the case of Medellín, Colombia
Provision of new subsidized housing projects has proven to be an effective alternative to reduce the high level of quantitative housing deficit in developing countries. However less is known about how these housing projects affect the quality of the surrounding habitat, especially when projects are located in areas with high levels of precarious housing. Using […]