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Infografía: ¿Incide la regulación de precios en los métodos anticonceptivos para acceder a ellos?

Juan David Cuesta Velásquez
Maria Jose Mancera Rey
Los anticonceptivos de segunda generación no contienen elementos como el Dienogest o Drospirenona. Los de cuarta generación sí los incluyen. Estos elementos ayudan a reducir los efectos secundarios de su […]

When losses can be a gain. A large lab-in-the-field experiment on reference dependent forgiveness in Colombia

Enrique Fatas
Lina Restrepo Plaza
We test the effectiveness of two behaviorally inspired manipulations promoting forgiveness in a lab-in the-field experiment in Cali, Colombia. Offenders (mostly juvenile) can only participate in a restorative justice program […]

Social norms and dishonesty across societies

Benjamin Beranek
Diego Aycinena
Jonathan F. Schulz
Lucas Rentschler
Much of the research in the experimental and behavioral sciences finds that stronger prosocial norms lead to higher levels of prosocial behavior. Here, we show that very strict prosocial norms […]

Self-Selection into corruption: Evidence from the lab

Gustavo Fajardo
Juan Vargas
Pablo Brassiolo
Ricardo Estrada
We study whether opportunities to extract rents in a job affect the type of individuals who are attracted to it in terms of their underlying integrity. We do so in […]

Renewable resource dynamics: A Web-based classroom experiment

César Mantilla
Darwin Cortés
Laura Prada
The authors adapted a lab-in-the-field experiment emulating the dynamic extraction of a fishery to create a Web-based classroom experiment. The game includes a multi-player version analogous to an open access […]

Price discrimination in informal labor markets in Bogotá: an audit experiment during the 2018 FIFA World Cup

César Mantilla
Mariana Blanco
Paula Zamora
We conducted an audit experiment to examine whether street vendors in Bogotá (Colombia) exert price discrimination based on buyers’ attributes, such as gender and nationality, and based on product characteristics, […]

Land division: A lab-in-the-field bargaining experiment

César Mantilla
Margarita Gáfaro
We design a framed bargaining experiment to explore how farmers allocate inherited land. In the experiment, two players with heterogeneous productivity inherit a land plot yielding a risky production, and […]

Intertemporal choice experiments and large-stakes behavior

Charles Sprenger
Diego Aycinena
Lucas Rentschler
Szabolcs Blazsek
Intertemporal choice experiments are increasingly implemented to make inference about discounting and marginal utility, yet little is known about the predictive power of resulting measures. This project links standard experimental […]